
The Barrett G. Haik MD Mentoring Program


It is with great pride and gratitude that the Trustees of the AESC Foundation announce the formation of a mentoring program that is named in the memory of our colleague and friend, Barrett G. Haik, MD.  Establishment of this project was made possible through the generosity of a close friend of Barrett's, Gustaf R.W. McIlhenny who made an initial gift to launch the program.  (Those interested in making their own contribution to support this project may do so by completing this donation FORM.)

The Haik Mentoring Program is intended to provide opportunities for AESC members to share their expertise and knowledge with fellow members or others with the goal of enhancing professional and personal development.  This is very much in keeping with the basic principles of the American Eye Study Club as articulated in the "Ten Commandments" of the AESC by Ed Isbey Jr., including:

  • Support each other professionally, emotionally and spiritually.
  • Be a participant and not just an observer.
  • Be a volunteer in the workings of the Club.
  • Be yourself and share with others.

Barrett Haik certainly lived according to these values, much to the benefit of his colleagues and students.

How the Program Works

Goals for the program are to match members who want to share their expertise (mentors) with other members who are seeking to advance professional or personal goals.  Typically, this will be done in a one-on-one setting, although it certainly is possible that small group sessions could be organized.

Volunteers are encouraged to complete the Mentor Form where talents and experience can be listed.  Then, members who wish to take advantage of the mentors' skills will be able to review the list and be matched with a mentor.

Categories of mentor expertise include:

  • Professional
    • Practice management:  solo; large group
    • Office/ASC design and construction
    • Organizational Leadership:  AAO; ASCRS; AGS; ASOPRS; OMIC; etc.
    • Academic medicine
    • Advocacy:  state; federal
    • International medicine
    • Leadership development
    • Handling a malpractice case
  • Personal
    • Achieving professional/personal balance
    • Stress management
    • Incorporating a hobby outside of medicine
    • Communicating effectively:  personal relationship; public speaking
    • Financial guidance
    • Disability
    • Marriage/Family



Get Matched Now with a mentor


Haik Mentoring Program Events

  • At the AESC Annual Meeting
    • New member gathering before the Welcome Reception on the first evening of the summer meeting
    • Friday morning Mentoring Program breakfast (by invitation)