AESC Forms

Here is a handy list of various forms that you may find helpful as a Club member.  These include the new member nominating form, meeting registration forms, etc.  The content of this page will change depending on upcoming events or other needs.  Most (if not all) of these documents also can be found in other places on the website.

Updated:  6/19/2012
New Member Nomination Form

Please use this form to recommend a new member for the Club.  When submitting, be sure to include your nomination letter and the person seconding the nomination.  We also need to receive a copy of the candidate's current CV.  Be sure to read the second page of the nomination form which details the criteria for membership.
Annual Meeting Program Book Advertising
Fact sheet, rates and sample ad page layout
AESC - Miscellaneous Payments & Donations

Club members may use the payment button below to make donations or miscellaneous payments to the AESC.  Please notify Rich Paul ([email protected]) if you choose to use this method.