Please plan to join AESC President Mark Rosenblatt and Jean Tsai for the 66th Annual Meeting of the American Eye Study Club! We are travelling "across the pond" to Ireland where we will gather at Kilkea Castle. Dates are Sunday, July 28 through Friday, August 2, 2024.
This is not the first time the Club has met internationally, but the castle certain promises to be a special experience for Club members and their families.
Kilkea Castle is just about an hour's drive southwest of Dublin. Of course, there are many non-stop and direct flights from all over the US to Dublin. We're in the process of finalizing a discount with Aer Lingus if you are interested in that option.
We're working on many details for this meeting already. Housing (hotel room reservations) will be handled by the AESC office this year, so do not contact Kilkea directly for reservations.
In the coming weeks, we'll be posting a lot of information regarding the 2024 annual meeting, so check back for details! In the meantime, mark the dates for a very special and unique AESC annual meeting in Ireland! In the meantime, please enjoy this video of drone footage from around the castle.
Sunday, July 28 -- Friday, August 2, 2024
Last Updated on Thursday, August 17, 2023 01:36 PM