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2024 Annual Meeting Abstracts

Updated:  6/19/2024

As a reminder . . .  New Club members are expected to give a talk at one of their first two annual meetings!

View the abstracts submitted so far

Overview Schedule for the week 

View the Detailed Schedule for general sessions  -- will be added later

Submit an Abstract (electronic form is now closed)  The Program is full!  Please consider bringing a short presentation for the "free for all" segments in the program.

Deadline to submit was June 14th.
Lectures typically are 15 minutes each -- 7 minutes for the talk and 7 minutes for discussion.

CLICK HERE to download and submit the CME conflict of interest form (PDF file) 
         Email to:  [email protected]  or fax to:  847-680-1682

Please note . . .  ALL speakers giving a talk that will receive CME credit must submit the conflict of interest disclosure.  We greatly appreciate receiving these forms AT THE SAME TIME as your abstract submission.  Please complete both pages and return to the AESC office.

Go back to the main meeting page

Named Lectures


35th Ruedemann Lecture

Robert S. Gold, MD

Eye Physicians of Central Florida
Maitland, FL

"My Life in ROP—An Interactive and Collaborative Look at the Past 37 Years"

Note - this lecture also will qualify OMIC policyholders for the full
0% risk management  premium discount



20th Jerry & Donna Knauer AESC Foundation Lecture

John Doris, MB BCh BAO MRCP FRCOphth

University Hospital Waterford
Eye and Face Clinic Williamstown Centre



Special OMIC Presentation

We are offering an OMIC Risk Management Presentation which will qualify members who are insured by OMIC for the full 10% premium discount.  This year, the Ruedemann Lecture will double as the OMIC risk management talk.

General Session Program

Typical Format for Talks -- We generally organized the talks into 15-minute segments with 7 minutes for a lecture and 7 minutes for discussion and questions.  This is a great time to try out new ideas or concepts, or to seek observations and reactions from your fellow Club members.  The AESC meeting is not the place for a usual "canned" lecture!  If you have an idea for a mini-symposium or a panel discussion, we certainly can devote an entire segment to that.

The following abstracts have been submitted for the summer 2024 AESC meeting.  Abstracts will be posted here as they are submitted.  Check the bottom of the page to see when this this information was last updated.

+ = New member, first meeting

Sample Name -- "How to Offer X-Ray Vision to your Patients"

  • Summary:  A multi-year study of the effects of x-ray vision will be presented.
  • Educational objectives:  Describe the benefits and risks resulting from adding x-ray vision for patients, as well as new technologies available to the ophthalmologist.
  • Schedule Restrictions:  None
  • Conflict of interest disclosure received:   YES

Submitted Talks

Updated:  6.19.2024

Baratz, Keith Hugh -- "What to do about corneal epithelium in the anterior chamber"

  • Summary:  Epithelial downgrowth is a rare but serious consequence of trauma or ocular surgery. Several different patterns of down-growth exist, including cystic and diffuse forms. The condition can be self-limited or relentlessly progressive and treatment options vary in technique and prognosis based on these subtypes and other clinical factors. This presentation will include the description of representative cases and review treatment techniques, and prognosis of therapeutic options such as intracameral antimetabolites, cryotherapy, laser and alcohol injection.
  • Educational objectives:  This presentation will inform participants on how to recognize epithelial down-growth, how to differentiate different patterns, and how to select potential treatment options.
  • Schedule Restrictions:  None
  • Conflict of interest disclosure received:   
  • Note:   Willing to lead/moderate a mini-symposium; Rapid fire case presentations. Also happy to moderate any anterior segment session
Berry, Jesse L. -- "Liquid Gold: Progress in Establishing a Molecular Test for Retinoblastoma Using an Aqueous Humor Liquid Biopsy"

  • Summary:  Retinoblastoma is unique among tumors in that it cannot be directly biopsied. In 2017 we discovered that the aqueous humor harbored tumor DNA and could be used as a liquid biopsy. In December 2022 we launched the first CAP-CLIA validated aqueous humor liquid biopsy laboratory test at CHLA, called LBSeq4KIDS. This presentation reports the initial testing and patient outcomes.
  • Educational objectives:  LBSeq4KIDS is a newly validated clinical test for retinoblastoma liquid biopsy, this lecture discusses the diagnostic and prognostic accuracy of this new test.
  • Schedule Restrictions:  None
  • Conflict of interest disclosure received:   
+ Cason, John -- "Small Incisional Lenticule Extraction (SMILE) in the Department of Defense: Low Cylinder Treatments and Expanded Laser Parameters"

  • Summary:  The purpose of this multi-center, randomized, comparative cohort FDA study was to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of low cylinder myopic refractive surgery treatments (0.25 and 0.50 diopters) using the Carl Zeiss Meditec VisuMaxTM femtosecond laser and small incisional lenticule extraction (SMILE) technique. These low cylinder treatments were compared to a control cohort in which those refractive errors were not treated. Additionally, expanded laser energy parameters were utilized to optimize laser application per surgeon discretion to facilitate easier lenticular dissection and/or improve inclusion criteria for potential surgical candidates.
  • Educational objectives:  Currently, SMILE is approved for myopic astigmatism but not for low cylinder treatments of 0.25 and 0.50 diopters reportedly because of concern for a large correction ratio for these treatments. This study shows the results of treating these refractive errors.
  • Schedule Restrictions:  None
  • Conflict of interest disclosure received:   
Chen, John -- "We can’t send our astronauts to Mars if they go blind along the way"

  • Summary:  Spaceflight Associated Neuro-ocular Syndrome, or SANS, is a condition that affects astronauts, characterized by choroidal folds, globe flattening (with hyperopic shift) and papilledema.1 While the ocular findings mimic what we see in idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH), the cause of SANS is from the microgravity environment in space. However, SANS does not appear to affect all astronauts to the same magnitude and the variability of this remains unknown. Our collaborators at NASA have identified that the G allele for the MTRR A66G SNP in the one-carbon metabolic pathway (1C) is associated with a greater risk of choroidal folds and cotton-wool spots after flight, while the C allele for SHMT1 C1420T is protective against optic disc edema.2 In a strict head-down tilt experiment for 30 days, the terrestrial model of spaceflight, individuals who developed worse optic disc edema also had the same risk alleles.3 In collaboration with NASA, we are currently investigating the potential connection between the one-carbon pathway SNPs and ophthalmic findings in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome and/or IIH. We are also investigating for potential retinal microvascular changes that occur in astronauts while in space using OCT angiography. Future interventions for SANS may include supplementing astronauts with cofactors in the one-carbon metabolic pathway and/or utilization of lower body negative pressure. We will need a better understanding and treatment of SANS if we want to send our astronauts to Mars.REFERENCES1.Lee AG, Mader TH, Gibson CR, et al. Spaceflight associated neuro-ocular syndrome (SANS) and the neuro-ophthalmologic effects of microgravity: a review and an update. NPJ Microgravity. 2020;6:7.2.Zwart SR, Gregory JF, Zeisel SH, et al. Genotype, B-vitamin status, and androgens affect spaceflight-induced ophthalmic changes. FASEB J. 2016;30(1):141-148.3.Zwart SR, Laurie SS, Chen JJ, et al. Association of genetics and B vitamin status with the magnitude of optic disc edema during 30-day strict head-down tilt bed rest. JAMA Ophthalmol. 2019;137(10):1195-1200.
  • Educational objectives:  In order to send our astronauts to Mars, we need a better understanding of spaceflight associated neuro-ocular syndrome (SANS), a condition characterized by papilledema, hyperopic shifts, and choroidal folds, that affects astronauts during long duration space flight.
  • Schedule Restrictions:  None
  • Conflict of interest disclosure received:   
Chiu, Cynthia -- "PCO - Can we do better?"

  • Summary:  As patients develop higher expectations for refractive results after cataract surgery, visual decline from posterior capsular opacification (PCO) can be frustrating for patients and surgeons alike. Although PCO is easily treated with laser capsulotomy, this is not without risk. Are new materials or techniques leading to increased rates of PCO? This talk attempts to evaluate factors that may be encouraging early development of PCO and the surgical maneuvers that may be used to mitigate this.
  • Educational objectives:  This talk aims to present the best supported evidence for prevention of PCO development after cataract surgery.
  • Schedule Restrictions:  Cannot speak on Wednesday or Thursday
  • Conflict of interest disclosure received:   
Couch, Steven M. -- "Listen to the TONE of my voice"

  • Summary:  Accessing intracranial pathology through small incisions in the orbit can be time consuming and daunting for most eye surgeons but Transorbital neuroendoscopic surgery (TONES) has become more popular as a less invasive craniotomy method that we can provide access and surgical prowess to even the most talented neurosurgeon. We will discuss the approach, surgical principals and provide examples of transorbital neurosurgical procedures.
  • Educational objectives:  Understanding the role and anatomy of an orbital specialist in the management of intracranial surgery.
  • Schedule Restrictions:  None
  • Conflict of interest disclosure received:   
Crane, William G. Jr. -- "Osteoblastic Metastatic Lesions? THAT'S STAGE IV CANCER!"

  • Summary:  Metastatic bone disease has a grim prognosis, with an average life expectancy of 6-48 months depending on the type of primary neoplasm. Metastases to bone originate most commonly from the breast (female), lung, prostate (male), kidney, gut, thyroid, multiple myeloma, lymphoma, and unknown source. Carcinoma travels to bone via hematogenous spread or direct invasion causing pain and pathologic fractures. An interesting case of presumed metastases to the skeleton will be presented and discussed.
  • Educational objectives:  Case presentation and discussion will include elements of general medicine, radiologic diagnosis, oncologic disease, dermatologic disease, genetics, cell biology, somato-ocular disease, and psycho-social impact of disease.
  • Schedule Restrictions:  None
  • Conflict of interest disclosure received:   
Cunningham, Matthew A. -- "How to keep practicing when things around you are falling apart"

  • Summary:  This presentation will discuss various tools/techniques that can be utilized when healthcare providers run into unexpected situations that arise in our personal lives. Specifically, will discuss: Mindfulness and Resilience, Self Care, Support Systems, Time Management, Professional Development, Finances, and a Positive Mindset.
  • Educational objectives:  This lecture will address the importance of self-care and crisis management, specifically for physicians.
  • Schedule Restrictions:  None
  • Conflict of interest disclosure received:   Yes
Ellis, Forrest James -- "Design, ex situ, and in vivo performance of the JelliSee accommodating intraocular lens"

  • Summary:  An effective accommodating prosthetic intraocular lens (IOL) to replace a diseased of dysfunctional lens of an adult or child is not currently available, despite decades of development efforts. Using known biomechanical properties of the pediatric human lens, a shape changing accommodating IOL was designed and tested. The design was tested with FEA analysis and Zemax optical modeling. A prototype IOL was manufactured and tested with a custom lens stretcher and laser measurements. The prototype accommodating IOL was then tested in a primate. Based on the results in bench testing and the primate, the IOL was implanted in 10 human subjects outside the USFEA analysis and Zemax optical modeling using the known forces of the human eye, predicted the accommodating IOL would be capable of an amplitude of accommodation of 7 diopters. Results of optical bench testing and stretcher testing of a prototype accommodating IOL also demonstrated excellent visual quality and an accommodation amplitude of 7 diopters. Primate testing demonstrated 7 diopters amplitude of accommodation up to 15 months post implantation. Results of human implantation have demonstrated a significant and sustained amplitude of accommodation similar to the results of ex-situ modeling and in vivo primate testing.
  • Educational objectives:  This lecture discusses the biomechanics of the youthful human lens, the development of a new accommodating IOL and the performance of the lens in human subjects.
  • Schedule Restrictions:  Cannot speak on Thursday
  • Conflict of interest disclosure received:   Yes 
Epley, David & Orge, Faruk -- "To boldly go where no one has gone before: ROP"

  • Summary:  Current methods to teach residents, fellows, and international ophthalmologists how to screen for retinopathy of prematurity require hands-on, direct view methods that prolong the uncomfortable exam on premature infants whose capacity to endure the strain of the exam is limited. This talk will demonstrate a novel application that will allow trainees to immerse themselves in the exam and treatment processes as long as needed to hone skills and grasp key concepts. A demonstration of the upcoming platform will be given.
  • Educational objectives:  Current education of ophthalmologists with regard to examination of infants for ROP and treatment of the retinopathy has limitations due to the duress induced by the examination process. This lecture will address a revolutionary method for how to educate the ophthalmologist to examine and treat ROP.
  • Schedule Restrictions:  None
  • Special AV needs:  We will be casting to a computer using the Meta Quest 2. We'll need a laptop connected to the projector and to the same wi-fi as the Quest
  • Notes:  This replaces Faruk's original submission.  Requesting two time slots.
  • Conflict of interest disclosure received:   
Fish, Robert -- "Short term refractive outcomes with light adjustable lens in post-refractive keratotomy patients"

  • Summary:  Post-keratorefractive patients still pose a challenge in achieving an acceptable post-operative accurate refractive outcome. Post-radial keratotomy patients still represent a significant amount of patients undergoing cataract surgery today and their outcomes with modern biometry, intraocular lens formulas and techniques still fall below the standard that surgeons strive for in modern day cataract surgery. The light-adjustable lens (RxSight) offers technology that may allow for surgeons to achieve a higher degree of accuracy in their post surgical refractive outcomes.
  • Educational objectives:  To evaluate the post surgical refractive outcomes with the light adjustable lens (RxSight) in post-radial keratotomy patients.
  • Schedule Restrictions:  None
  • Conflict of interest disclosure received:   
+ Ford, Carla -- "How I Almost Lost Dr Tandon Possibly Over Half a Million Dollars"

  • Summary:  To discuss Ohio's current scope of battle challenges, and to obtain comments and advice from AESC members regarding strategy and steps moving forward to defeat optometry's aggressive plan.
  • Educational objectives:  Attempts to address current state of affairs for our profession not only in the state of Ohio but nationwide as optometrists are trying to use various tactics to increase their scope of practice in various states
  • Schedule Restrictions:  None
  • Conflict of interest disclosure received:  
Gicheru, Sidney K. -- "Update on SMILE Vision Correction"

  • Summary:  A review of latest studies on SMILE Vision Correction, as well as an update of recent advances with the procedure.
  • Educational objectives:  Education of the audience regarding this new Refractive Surgery procedure.
  • Schedule Restrictions:  None
  • Conflict of interest disclosure received:   
Gold, Robert S. -- "My Life in ROP—An Interactive and Collaborative Look at the Past 37 Years" (Ruedemann Lecture)

  • Summary:  For the past 37 years in the private practice of pediatric ophthalmology, Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP) has been my niche, my passion and my purpose. From a letter of intent to sue, to co-authoring the first ROP Safety Net, to ROP contracting, to OMIC and the ROP Task Force and looking to the future with ICROP and AI, ROP has been part of my DNA.In this talk, I will review a timeline into ROP risk management, contracting, claims and the future with facts, prominent people and my experience to bring all to “my life” in ROP.
  • Educational objectives:  To present an overview of ROP care over the past 37 years and its impact on preservation of vision to premature babies all over the world.
  • Schedule Restrictions:  None
  • Conflict of interest disclosure received:
Goyal, Nina A. -- "Corneal Hysteresis: There may be more to blame than pressure"

  • Summary:  Glaucoma is a chronic progressive disease which affects approximately 3 million Americans and remains the leading cause of irreversible blindness in the world. While intraocular pressure (IOP) remains the primary modifiable risk factor, there are many patients who continue to progress despite controlled IOP’s. In one arm of the Early Manifest Glaucoma trial, 45% of treated glaucoma patients experienced decline in visual fields despite an average 25% decrease in IOP. Conversely, in the OHTS trial, the majority of patients who had elevated IOP’s, ocular hypertension, never developed glaucoma.With this in mind, we continue to explore other risk factors that may play a role in glaucoma diagnosis and progression such as central corneal thickness (CCT), age, family history, gender and race. One corneal biomechanical property that is of particular interest is corneal hysteresis (CH). Corneal hysteresis represents a cornea’s ability to absorb and dissipate energy and is typically measured using the Reichert ocular response analyzer (ORA). The ORA measures CH by applying a pulse of air to the eye that forces the cornea inward and then measures the pressure difference (in mmHg) between the inward depression of the corneal surface and it’s subsequent re-expansion outward. A lower CH value therefore represents a cornea’s decreased ability to withstand changes in applied energy.Given that CH has only recently been gaining traction as a possible additional biomarker for glaucoma severity, research on this topic has been limited. We performed a prospective cross sectional study involving 210 eyes diagnosed with various stages of POAG or glaucoma suspect (GS). CH was measured at the end of routine patient visits using an ORA. Data on IOP, visual field index (VFI), central corneal thickness, current number of medications for POAG, age, gender and race was collected. This presentation will review our results and findings and perhaps allow us to use one more piece of evidence in our glaucoma risk factor analyses.
  • Educational objectives:  To understand the role corneal hysteresis may play in identifying patients at risk for glaucoma and as a risk factor for glaucoma progression in certain glaucoma populations.
  • Schedule Restrictions:  None
  • Notes:   
  • Conflict of interest disclosure received:   Yes 
Hagedorn, Curtis -- "Current approaches to managing the most advanced diabetic retinopathy"

  • Summary:  This will mainly be a surgical video talk showing some of the most difficult surgical diabetic retinopathy cases. Surgical cases with massive neovascularization and tractional and combined retinal detachments will be presented. Discussion of surgical adjuncts like anti-VEGFs, kenalog, and brilliant blue will be incorporated into this presentation
  • Educational objectives:  Deciding how to approach the most severe diabetic retinopathy cases is always challenging, sharing these unique experiences can help surgeons in future cases.
  • Schedule Restrictions:  None
  • Conflict of interest disclosure received:   Yes
+ Hall, Edward -- "Home OCT-Guided Treatment versus Treat and Extend for the Management of Neovascular AMD"

  • Summary:  The current standard of care model for the treatment of neovascular age-related macular degeneration typically includes 3-4 monthly "loading doses" of anti-VEGF therapy followed by a "treat and extend" phase. Treatment burden and cost of treatment remain significant, and this current model is not customized to individual patient needs (meaning that some patients may be over or under-treated). This NEI-sponsored clinical trial will compare outcomes between patients treated using a home OCT-guided protocol and patients treated with a standard of care treat and extend protocol. Six-hundred patients from 80 sites will be enrolled and followed for 2 years. Co-primary outcomes include mean change in visual acuity and number of injections. The presentation will outline the clinical trial background and protocol in further detail.
  • Educational objectives:  This lecture will alert the audience to an important NEI-sponsored clinical trial examining the utility of home OCT technology and how this new technology might affect clinical care of important and prevalent retinal diseases in the very near future.
  • Schedule Restrictions:  None
  • Conflict of interest disclosure received:   
  • Note:  I would be willing to lead or moderate a symposium discussing retinal disease and particularly anti-VEGF therapies if needed. Open to other possibilities within retina as well.
Hasan, Sohail -- "Harnessing Private Equity for Enhanced Advocacy in Ophthalmology: 
                             Empowering Ophthalmologists Through Strategic Partnerships"

  • Summary:  This presentation will explore the transformative role of private equity in the rapidly evolving field of ophthalmology, where technological innovations meet patient care. It will highlight how strategic partnerships enhance professional practice and patient outcomes, aligning private equity's advocacy with the profession's goals to foster environments conducive to optimal care and practice, especially in the face of Medicare adjustments. By showcasing examples from the Retina Consultants of America (RCA), including physician-led advocacy initiatives and investments in digital platforms like Brandwatch™, the talk will illustrate the amplification of the ophthalmology community's voice. The presentation will conclude by mapping out a future where private equity-backed advocacy continues to empower ophthalmologists, aiming for unparalleled excellence in patient care and professional growth.
  • Educational objectives: This lecture addresses the educational need to understand how private equity can be leveraged for stronger advocacy in ophthalmology, bridging the knowledge gap regarding the strategic partnerships that can enhance patient outcomes and professional practice.
  • Schedule Restrictions:  None
  • Conflict of interest disclosure received:   Yes
  • Note:  This could be part of a "mini-symposium" with Chris Albanis and any others who wish to participate.
Henderer, Jeffrey -- "Incorporating AI into a more efficient care delivery model"

  • Summary:  To describe how Temple Ophthalmology has been able to increase access to care by using an AI-assisted diabetic retinopathy screening program.
  • Educational objectives:  Improve access to care in an era of declining providers and increasing patient load
  • Schedule Restrictions:  None
  • Conflict of interest disclosure received:   
Hildebrand, P. Lloyd -- "A Digital Eye Institute - Designing for the Future"

  • Summary:  The University of Nevada Las Vegas (UNLV) medical school opened seven years ago and has graduated its first three classes. There are relatively few GME programs in Nevada for graduating medical students. Nevada has a shortage of physicians, particularly in ophthalmology. Nevada is the most populous state and Las Vegas (population 2.9 million) is the second largest metropolitan area in the US without a residency program. As nearly half of ophthalmology graduates stay where they complete their training, an academic eye institute makes sense for Nevada. Using a public-private-partnership model, the Nevada Vision Foundation in collaboration with UNLV is launching a public-private eye institute that will host a new UNLV Department of Ophthalmology. As no department or residency program exists, designing from a blank slate has its challenges and opportunities. By design, the new Eye Institute will be structured as a comprehensively digital entity to support all clinical, educational, business, research and community outreach programs. Projecting the changes digitization will bring to ophthalmic workflows, infrastructure design and personnel requirements differ significantly from legacy academic institutions and requires careful consideration in design, staff recruitment and residency curriculum structure. This lecture will review the approach the Nevada Vision Foundation has used and current plans for moving forward with planning, design and implementation of a digital eye institute for the future.
  • Educational objectives: The lecture will address requirements to consider when designing a digital academic eye institute for the future.
  • Schedule Restrictions:  None
  • Conflict of interest disclosure received: 
Maltzman, Jeff -- "Optics and Other Sundry Photographic Principles"

  • Summary:  I've been a serious hobbyist landscape photographer for over 15 years with work regularly published in Arizona Highways Magazine. In this talk I will present a sample of my photography to illustrate how many of the same optical principles that we learned during residency can be harnessed to achieve desired effects in photographic images.
  • Educational objectives:  You may learn something, but this is primarily being presented for entertainment value.
  • Schedule Restrictions:  None
  • Conflict of interest disclosure received:   n/a  (not for CME credit) 
Mawn, Louise -- "Optical Coherence Tomography Measurements Before and After Teprotumumab"

  • Summary:  Teprotumumab targets the insulin like growth factor-1 receptor to downregulate the thyroid-associated orbitopathy inflammatory cascade. Insulin-like growth factor-1 and its receptor are present in the mammalian retina and optic nerve and play a role in visual development. We aimed to utilize optical coherence tomography to quantify changes in retinal ganglion cell thickness after administration of teprotumumab.Methods: Retrospective case series of all thyroid eye disease (TED) patients being treated with teprotumumab and undergoing optical coherence tomography scans preceding and following a minimum of one infusion at a single tertiary care center between January 1, 2020 and January 1, 2024. The impact of smoking and systemic thyroid hormone level on optical coherence tomography parameters was examined. The association between hearing loss/ototoxicity and derangements on optical coherence tomography was explored.Results: A reduction in mean ganglion cell layer-inner plexiform layer and retinal nerve fiber layer thickness was observed after teprotumumab treatment. This change was independent of smoking status and control of systemic thyroid status. No change in Humphrey Visual Field mean deviation was observed after treatment. Hearing loss did not correlate with ganglion cell or retinal nerve fiber layer loss.Conclusions: Insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor inhibition may have a toxic effect on retinal ganglion cells and their axons. This finding may help guide patient selection when considering teprotumumab initiation in TED patients with pre-existing retinal or optic nerve compromise.
  • Educational objectives:  Understanding the role and anatomy of an orbital specialist in the management of intracranial surgery.Side effects of new medical treatment for thyroid eye disease
  • Schedule Restrictions:  None
  • Conflict of interest disclosure received:   
Miller, Darby D. -- "Advocating for our patients and our profession" (Symposium)

  • Participants:  Darby Miller, Andrea Tooley, David Epley, Sidney Gicheru, Sohail Hasan
  • Summary:  Advocating for our patients and the profession of ophthalmology has never been so essential.  This advocacy symposium will provide a timely update of federal and state issues affecting our patients and profession.  We also will discuss how advocacy issues affect young ophthalmologists.  The lectures will be followed by an interactive question and answer symposium.  Each speaker will provide their unique perspective on why advocacy is so invaluable and how they incorporate advocacy into their practices and daily lives.
  • Educational objectives:  This symposium will provide members with a summary and discussion of federal and state advocacy issues affecting our patients and the profession of ophthalmology.
  • Schedule Restrictions:  None
  • Conflict of interest disclosure received:   
Neely Daniel E. -- "Irish Eyes: Looking to the USA"
  • Summary:  It is estimated that over 6 million Irish people have emigrated to the US since 1820. Of all the emigrants to the US between 1851 and 1860, it is estimated that 81% (990,000) were Irish (National Museum of Ireland). Today one-sixth of US citizens (43 million) identify their national background as Irish. The peak of Irish emigration resulted from the Great Famine of 1845-1852 and it is estimated that nearly two million people - about a quarter of Ireland's population - emigrated to the United States over a ten-year period at that time. However, Irish immigration to the states actually started long before the potato famine, dating back to the American colonial period and occurring in such numbers that the Irish and Scotch-Irish population in America was second in number only to the English population in the American colonies. This discussion will celebrate the rich American-Irish brotherhood and ties to our meeting's beautiful host country.
  • Educational objectives:  Immigration continues to be an important topic in the United States and understanding our history as a nation of immigrants remains a vital perspective.
  • Schedule Restrictions:  None
  • Conflict of interest disclosure received:   Yes
  • Note:   Not for CME
Orge, Faruk -- "AAO Virtual Reality Center and ROP Simulator"  WITHDRAWN - See Epley/Orge submission

  • Summary:  This will be the demonstration of the newly formed AAO VR Center and ROP simulator. ROP simulator allows the user to perform indirect ophthalmoscopy, laser via indirect ophthalmoscopy and intravitreal injection through using Metaquest 2/3 headsets. This allow remote teaching and individual guided learning on how to perform ROP examination and related treatment as well as learn about ROP in general.
  • Educational objectives: Learning about novel & accessible online/virtual ROP training platform, to help prevent blindness from ROP
  • Schedule Restrictions:  None
  • Conflict of interest disclosure received:  
  • Notes:   Interested in moderating or leading a discussion symposium.
Parke, D. Wilkin -- "An old dog for a hard road: Is bilateral patching underutilized for vitreous pathology?"

  • Summary:  Bilateral patching is an old technique to temporarily reduce vitreous traction. The talk looks at existing literature and our own ongoing prospective studies on We are looking in a prospective, randomized fashion at bilateral patching in the setting of retinal detachment.
  • Educational objectives:  This should highlight the role of bilateral patching in the management of various vitreoretinal pathologies.
  • Schedule Restrictions:  None
  • Conflict of interest disclosure received:   Yes 
Puente, Michael -- "Strabismus in Children's Animated Films"

  • Summary:  A team of researchers watched all animated films from Disney, Pixar, DreamWorks, and Studio Ghibli released since 1989 to identify all characters with strabismus. This talk will present the results of a personality and character trait analysis that was performed on all characters found to have strabismus.
  • Educational objectives: This session will critically evaluate whether characters with strabismus are being portrayed positively or negatively to the young impressionable audience of animated children's movies.
  • Schedule Restrictions:  None
  • Conflict of interest disclosure received:   
  • A/V: Videos with sound/internet 
Rachitskaya, Aleksandra V. -- "Update on Retina Imaging in Clinic, Operating Room, and Patients' Home"

  • Summary:  The current presentation will focus on the most novel retina imaging modalities as utilized in clinic, operating room, and in patients' home environment. The indications, adoption, and challenges will be discussed.
  • Educational objectives:  To educate on the state-of-the-art retina imaging modalities in all aspects of retina patient care.
  • Schedule Restrictions:  None
  • Conflict of interest disclosure received:   
  • Note:  Interested in moderating a session 
Raju, Leela -- "ALK Outcomes: Grip It n’ Rip It"

  • Summary:  Anterior lamellar keratoplasty has been shown to have good outcomes and less rejection than PKP. However the techniques commonly used for ALK or DALK often lead to perforation when not high volume. The grip and rip technique is repeatable and will reduce OR time. I will present data from my first set of cases..
  • Educational objectives:  Increasing surgical technique options for ALK
  • Schedule Restrictions:  None
  • Conflict of interest disclosure received:   
Saini, Arvind -- "No Money, No Mission"

  • Summary:  Healthcare is challenging for small to mid sized practices that depend on insurance payments. What are the typical sources of revenue for practices? What is the timing of this revenue? What is the process of seeing a patient and collecting for that encounter. What are different payment types and how this can be confusing for patients and practices to collect (co-insurance, deductibles, co-pays)? What are the steps in the payment cycle and revenue cycle management? How doo contracted rates cap practices earning potential and inhibit practices from keeping up with inflation? What are different insurance payment models and the steps needed to obtain payment in these models?
  • Educational objectives:  Practice Management
  • Schedule Restrictions:  None
  • Conflict of interest disclosure received:   
Schwartz, Stephen G. -- "Pegcetacoplan-Associated Occlusive Retinal Vasculitis"

  • Summary:  Pegcetacoplan (Syfovre, Apellis) is FDA-approved for the treatment of geographic atrophy secondary to age-related macular degeneration. No cases of retinal vasculitis were reported during the clinical trials. However, shortly after FDA approval on 2/17/2023, sporadic cases of retinal vasculitis were identified in clinical practice. The American Society of Retina Specialists (ASRS) recently reported 14 eyes of 13 patients, including the present case. An 80 year old female was treated with a single injection of pegcetacoplan and subsequently developed occlusive retinal vasculitis presenting to neovascular glaucoma over a period of several months.
  • Educational objectives:  To review the new phenomenon of occlusive retinal vasculitis following treatment with a new agent, pegcetacoplan.
  • Schedule Restrictions:  None
  • Conflict of interest disclosure received:   Yes
  • Panels:  Would be interested in a retina panel
Tandon, Amit -- "Best of Tandy: health update and doppelgängers"

  • Summary:  Will summarize my earlier talks on my health issues (will be brief - I’m doing great!.). Will also attempt at some levity with doppelgängers part deux.
  • Educational objectives:  Entertainment value
  • Schedule Restrictions:  None
  • Conflict of interest disclosure received:   
  • Note:  Not for CME credit
Tao, Jeremiah P. -- "Reducing Bruising and Inflammation after Oculofacial Surgery - An Evidence-Based Approach"

  • Summary:  Bruising and swelling after surgery is source of embarrassment and time away from work or friends. Also, many patients inversely correlate the amount of ecchymosis with the quality of their surgery. Moreover, in more serious forms, such as an orbit compartment syndrome, neurologic injury is possible. Homeopathic agents such as Arnica montana are sold with bruise prevention labels. Also, there remains confusion and some controversy regarding holding anticoagulant or antiplatelet medications for surgery. Lastly, most routinely prescribe antibiotic ointment with or without corticosteroids for post-operative use and peri-operative tranexamic acid is increasingly popular. This presentation will describe the evidence surrounding all the aforementioned measures.
  • Educational objectives:  This presentation will outline the evidence for or against common measures to reduce bruising and swelling after surgery.
  • Schedule Restrictions:  None
  • Conflict of interest disclosure received:  
Tooley, Andrea -- "Predictors of Ophthalmology Resident Performance From Medical Student Application Materials"

  • Summary:  We conducted a multi-institutional, cross sectional study of 7 residency programs and 260 residents over 10 years to determine whether elements in ophthalmology residency applications are predictors of future resident performance. This study is a first of it’s kind to assess resident performance in multiple domains (clinical, surgical, academic, and global performance), and link this to factors within the residency application, as well as to performance on ABO written and oral board examinations. In this new landscape of increasing numbers of applicants to residency programs and changing of the Step 1 score to pass/fail, our findings may help guide selection committees as they holistically review applicants to select exceptional future residents in ophthalmology.
  • Educational objectives:  These data will help the audience understand factors in the residency application predictive of future high performance in residency and beyond.
  • Schedule Restrictions:  None
  • Conflict of interest disclosure received:  
  • Notes:  Interested in moderating or leading a discussion symposium; happy to help with anything oculoplastics
+Tran, Ann -- "Lowering Carbon Emissions in Medical Office Buildings"

  • Summary:  In today's healthcare landscape, the integration of sustainability into medical practices is crucial for reducing environmental impact and promoting public health. This presentation explores actionable strategies for physicians to collaborate with building owners and operators to implement green practices within medical facilities. Key focus areas include enhancing energy efficiency through advanced technologies and sustainable design, transitioning to electrification to minimize reliance on fossil fuels, and establishing comprehensive recycling programs. By adopting these measures, medical practices can significantly reduce their carbon footprint, lower operational costs, and create healthier environments for patients and staff.
  • Educational objectives:  Educational Objectives: Increase awareness of energy efficient technologies like efficient lighting systems, the impact of a physician's schedule on whole building emissions, and what to ask a landlord during lease negotiations to promote green practices.
  • Schedule Restrictions:  None
  • Conflict of interest disclosure received:   
Tsai, James C. -- "New Innovative Directions in Ophthalmic Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Digital Health"

  • Summary:  This talk highlights recent advances in ophthalmic AI and digital health. These breakthroughs include linkages between subretinal drusenoid deposits (SDD) in age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and cardiovascular disease and stroke, as well as the utility of adaptive optics imaging in the management of sickle cell disease. In addition, large language models are proficient in diagnostic accuracy and completeness in ophthalmic subspecialty diseases. The transformative role of AI in delivering value to patients and clinicians is discussed.
  • Educational objectives:  Understand the potential role of AI in medicine in augmenting the diagnostic and therapeutic strategies for patients.
  • Schedule Restrictions:  Cannot speak on Thursday (8/1)
  • Conflict of interest disclosure received:  Yes
  • Panels:  Interested in Artificial Intelligence in ophthalmology/medicine
+ Vagefi, M. Reza -- "Changing How We Approach Acute Invasive Fungal Rhino-orbital Sinusitis"

  • Summary:  Exenteration has classically been used to treat orbital involvement in the setting of acute invasive fungal sinusitis. A definite survival benefit, however, has not been demonstrated. Surgeons are thus left with the difficult decision of whether or not to proceed with a disfiguring surgery without evidence-based justification. Transcutaneous retrobulbar injection of amphotericin B (TRAMB) offers a minimally invasive alternative that directly delivers anti-fungal therapy to the affected tissue. A modified treatment ladder algorithm incorporating TRAMB was developed. When compared to historical controls, implementation of this new treatment paradigm demonstrated a lower risk of disfiguring exenteration without an increased risk of mortality.
  • Educational objectives:  It addresses how one may improve treatment of acute invasive fungal rhino-orbital sinusitis and possibly avoid disfiguring exenteration.
  • Schedule Restrictions:  None
  • Conflict of interest disclosure received:   
  • Note:   Willing to moderate a session


Last Updated on Monday, June 24, 2024 10:45 AM